Tine-ma de mana Lyrics – Stefan Banica & Loredana

Tine-ma de mana Lyrics - Stefan Banica & Loredana

Dive into the lyrics of “Tine-ma de mana“, a track that captures a longing for emotional intimacy that transcends superficial conversations. Check Stefan Banica and Loredana’s Tine-ma de mana lyrics below with the official music video.

Tine-ma de mana Lyrics By Stefan Banica

As Vrea Sa-ti Scriu, Sa-ti Povestesc, Caci Vorbele-s Prea Goale,
Sa Intelegi Tot Ce Simt Eu Acum
Si-n Orice Epoca Am Fi, La Fel Ti-as Scrie
Cu Pana, Cu Stiloul Sau Tastand Cu Apple Pen-ul.

Iar Cand Ai Sa Citesti,
Ai Sa Afli Tot Ce Sunt Cu Adevarat,
Cu Rele Si Cu Bune, Asa M-a Facut Mama,
Renunta La Cuvinte, Abia Atunci Ai Sa-ti Dai Seama.

Tine-ma De Mana,
Priveste-ma In Ochi
Si Lasa-i Sa-ti Vorbeasca,
Doar Ei Sa Povesteasca,
Tu Nu Vorbi Deloc!

Tine-ma De Mana,
Priveste-ma In Ochi
Si Lasa-i Sa-ti Vorbeasca,
Doar Ei Sa Povesteasca,
Tu Nu Vorbi Deloc!
Doar Atata-ti Cer!

Mi-e Greu Sa Ma Prefac, Sa Mint Ca Totu-i Ca Inainte,
Ca Ne Vorbim Aiurea, Fara S-ascultam,
Ca Un Televizor Ce Latra-n Gol Reclame La Pariuri,
Unde Se Joaca Doar Iubirea Noastra La Dublu Sau Nimic.

Iar Daca Tot Ce-ti Scriu
Trezeste-n Tine Iarasi Foamea De Noi Doi,
Cu Cerul Si Pamantul, Te Rog, Te Rog, Te Rog Adu-ti Aminte,
Conteaza Doar Ce Simti, Atat, Nu Ai Nevoie De Cuvinte!

Tine-ma De Mana,
Priveste-ma In Ochi
Si Lasa-i Sa-ti Vorbeasca,
Doar Ei Sa Povesteasca,
Tu Nu Vorbi Deloc!

Tine-ma De Mana,
Priveste-ma In Ochi
Si Lasa-i Sa-ti Vorbeasca,
Doar Ei Sa Povesteasca,
Tu Nu Vorbi Deloc!
Doar Atata-ti Cer!
Doar Atata-ti Cer!

Song Credits:

Sone NameTine-ma de mana
SingerStefan Banica & Loredana
Song WriterStefan Banica
Music ProducerConstantin Bodea
LabelRoton Music/Stefan Banica
Release DateNovember 1, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Who wrote the lyrics to the “Tine-ma de mana” song?

The song “Tine-ma de mana” was written by Stefan Banica.

Who is the music producer of the “Tine-ma de mana” song?

Constantin Bodea produced the “Tine-ma de mana” song music.

Who is the singer of the “Tine-ma de mana” song?

The “Tine-ma de mana” song is sung by Stefan Banica and Loredana.

When was the “Tine-ma de mana” song released?

Tine-ma de mana song was released on November 1, 2024.

What is the duration of Tine-ma de mana?

The duration of the song Tine-ma de mana is 3:17 minutes.

How can I download the song “Tine-ma de mana”?

You can download the song from music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or Google Play Music. It’s also available on YouTube and other music websites.

Who is the video director of Tine-ma de mana?

Tine-ma de mana music video is directed by David Mogan and Ioana M. Stan.

If you find any mistakes in the lyrics or credits, or if you want to add lyrics, please let us know by using the “Contact Us” form.