Hush Puppi Lyrics – Eddy G Bomba

Hush Puppi Lyrics - Eddy G Bomba

Check out the lyrics of Hush Puppi by Eddy G Bomba, dropped on October 14, 2024, on Eddy G Bomba’s official YouTube Channel. Read the lyrics below with the music video.

Eddy G Bomba – Hush Puppi Lyrics

This song has not been released yet.
As soon as the song is released, we will update the lyrics.
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Hush Puppi Song Credits:

Sone NameHush Puppi
SingerEddy G Bomba
Song WriterEddy G Bomba
Music ProducerEddy G Bomba
LabelEddy G Bomba
Release DateOctober 14, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Who wrote the lyrics to the “Hush Puppi” song?

The song “Hush Puppi” was written by Eddy G Bomba.

Who is the music producer of the “Hush Puppi” song?

Eddy G Bomba produced the “Hush Puppi” song music.

Who is the singer of the “Hush Puppi” song?

The “Hush Puppi” song is sung by Eddy G Bomba.

When was the “Hush Puppi” song released?

Hush Puppi song was released on October 14, 2024.

Who is the video director of Hush Puppi?

Hush Puppi music video is directed by Wave X Milli.

If you find any mistakes in the lyrics or credits, or if you want to add lyrics, please let us know by using the “Contact Us” form.