Egoiste Lyrics – Capital T (Feat. Orgito Dapa)

Egoiste Lyrics – Capital T (Feat. Orgito Dapa)

On May 16, 2024, Capital T releases his new song “Egoiste” along with Orgito Dapa. Egoiste song lyrics were written by ​​​Marius Mneri, Orgito Dapa, and Trim Ademi, and the music was produced by​ RZON.

Capital T Egoiste Lyrics

Te Shoh Ne Enderr
Sikur Me Puth E Perqafon
I Lumtur Zgjohem
Por Jam I Vetem Ne Kte Dhom

Te Shoh Ne Enderr
Sikur Me Puth E Perqafon
I Lumtur Zgjohem
Por Jam I Vetem Ne Kte Dhom

Minutat Shpejt Harxhohen
Ndjenjat Dhe Momentet
Harrohen Krejt Kujtimet, Krejt Deshirat, Krejt Perpjekjet
Personi I Duhur Po, N’koh T’gabume
S’mun Me Ndrysha Dicka Qe U Kon E Shkrume
Poem E Bukur E Dashnis, Po Thash Metet E Kalume
Ndjenat Po Ftofen S’depertohen N’zemren E Pervlume
Se Ket Dashni Ti Vet E Myte
S’na Le Zgjidhje Vet E Lype
E Tash Po Rri Tut Kqyr N’fotografi
E Tu Menu Per To
So Veshtir Me T’harru E Di
Moll E Ndalume
Kafshova, U Helmova
Shum Gabova, Tash Po Menoj E Po Thom

A Kjo Dashnia M’la Pa Fjal
M’la Pa Fjal, Si Me Ja Bo
Sa Her E Shoh Ajo M’tundon
Cmendem Un Zemra E Don

A Kjo Dashnia M’la Pa Fjal
M’la Pa Fjal, Si Me Ja Bo
Sa Her E Shoh Ajo M’tundon
Cmendem Un Zemra E Don

T’kom Thon Mos U Trano
Po Ti Ma Ke Tepru
Ta Fala Kohen Edhe Pse E Di Se Ke Vlersu
Ta Dhash Zemren Tem Po Ti Se Meriton
Ta Dhash Ty Jeten Tem Nuk E Di Ma Shum Ca Don
Ego, Ego, Ego, Egoiste
M’ke Prek Ne Ego, Ego, Ego, Po Tash Ike
Ke Lujt Flliq Ti Me Mu Vet E Prishe
Tash E Di Qe Mrapa Teje Ma Nuk Jam
Edhe Pse

Te Shoh Ne Enderr
Po Afer Meje Mo Nuk T’kom
I Lumtur Zgjohem
Por Jam I Vetem Ne Kte Dhom

“A Kjo Dashnia M’la Pa Fjal
M’la Pa Fjal, Si Me Ja Bo
Sa Her E Shoh Ajo M’tundon
Cmendem Un Zemra E Don”

A Kjo Dashnia M’la Pa Fjal
M’la Pa Fjal, Si Me Ja Bo
Sa Her E Shoh Ajo M’tundon
Cmendem Un Zemra E Don

Egoiste Song Credits:

Song Name:Egoiste
Band/Singer:Capital T & Orgito Dapa
Lead Vocals:Capital T & Orgito Dapa
Written/Lyrics By:Marius Mneri, Orgito Dapa & Trim Ademi
Music Produced By:RZON
Music Label:Capital T
Release Date:May 16, 2024

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who produced “Egoiste” by Capital T & Orgito Dapa?

“Egoiste” by Capital T & Orgito Dapa was produced by RZON.

When did Capital T & Orgito Dapa release “Egoiste”?

Capital T & Orgito Dapa released “Egoiste” on May 16, 2024.

Who wrote “Egoiste” by Capital T & Orgito Dapa?

“Egoiste” by Capital T & Orgito Dapa written by ​​Marius Mneri, Orgito Dapa, and Trim Ademi.

Who sang the “Egoiste” Song?

The “Egoiste” song is sung by Capital T and Orgito Dapa.

Who is the video director of Egoiste?

Egoiste music video is directed by SEKUENCE.

What is the duration of Egoiste?

The duration of the song Egoiste is 2:58 minutes.