Deat Menk Lyrics – Oumaima Taleb

Deat Menk Lyrics - Oumaima Taleb

Dive into the mesmerizing lyrics of Oumaima Taleb’s new single ‘Deat Menk’. The lyrics of this song depict a deep sense of loss, regret, and the painful realization that a cherished connection has been broken. It captures the complexity of moving on from a deep, yet ultimately flawed connection. Check out the official lyrics below.

Deat Menk Lyrics By Oumaima Taleb

ضعت منك
وانهدم جسر التلاقي
والسبب أوهام ظنك
كيف تبغى الشوق .. يرجع
لا لا لا لا ما يرجع
والزمن شايف .. ويسمع
او ضعت منك

يمكن اني ما اعرفك
او اصدق يوم حرفك
اترك الأوهام عنك
كانت ايامي بيدينك
والغلا كله لعينك
ولكن ضعت منك

تسهر عيوني لنومك
وتنتشي لحظة قدومك
وضاعت سنيني وسنينك
كنت لك سيل المحبه
وغيث مربوعك وعشبه

أتغنى مثل طيرك
وأتوسد في حصيرك
واسمع أشعارك وفنك
كانت ايامي بيدينك
والغلا كله لعينك
ولكن ضعت منك

Deat Menk Song Credits:

Sone NameDeat Menk
SingerOumaima Taleb
Song WriterFaisal bin Turki bin Nasser
CompositionAhmed Al Hermi
Music ProducerAhmed Al Hermi
Release DateSeptember 15, 2024
LabelRotana Music

Frequently Asked Questions

Who wrote the lyrics to the “Deat Menk” song?

The song “Deat Menk” was written by ​Faisal bin Turki bin Nasser.

Who is the music producer of the “Deat Menk” song?

Ahmed Al Hermi produced the “Deat Menk” song music.

Who is the singer of the “Deat Menk” song?

The “Deat Menk” song is sung by Oumaima Taleb.

When was the “Deat Menk” song released?

Deat Menk song was released on September 15, 2024.

If you find any mistakes in the lyrics or credits, or if you want to add lyrics, please let us know by using the “Contact Us” form.